Pool Rules
To ensure you and others have a safe and enjoyable experience in our facility.
Boisterous behaviour is a hazardous activity. Throwing items, bombing, somersaulting, play fighting, pushing and running are examples of this.
There is no tolerance for abusive, anti-social or assaultive behaviour in the facility. Immediate expulsion may apply.
Behaviour that is deemed unsafe by lifeguards may result in expulsion from the premises.
We are a family-friendly facility, swearing, foul and obscene language will not be tolerated.
Lifeguard instructions must be followed at all times.
Children 9 years and under must be actively supervised by a responsible caregiver 16 years or over. Under 5 must be within arms reach at all times.
Stadium 2000 has a supervision ratio of five children to one adult. An adult can have up to five children 9 years and under in their care, including no more than two pre-schoolers (under 5 years of age).
Photos and Video
The use of mobile phones and cameras are at the discretion of staff. Permission must be sought prior to recordings and all individuals in frame must have consented to being photographed or recorded.
Mobile phones are not permitted to be used in the change rooms.
Stadium 2000 has extensive Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) coverage operating to protect that the safety of facility users and staff.
Shower and toilet before entering the pool.
No food or beverages are to be consumed on poolside.
Chewing gum is not permitted in the pools or on poolside.
Please do not swim if you have had diarrhea within the last two weeks.
Swimwear does not include street clothes or underwear.
Preschoolers need to wear an aquatic nappy and tight fitting swimwear.